Today's Reading

"I never went, Grandpa." Her voice had grown shaky and coarse. She tried to clear her throat again, but that 'thing'. It tasted bitter, like a big ball of regret.

The man in the lab coat was suddenly beside her. He put a hand on her arm and smiled kindly. "Just breathe."

Nora ignored him. "I didn't go, Grandpa. I didn't—"

"That's okay, Nora." Grandpa's smile sent a shock of warmth and forgiveness through her. "Look at these." They'd come upon a rosebush in full bloom, each flower at peak. "See how each petal is perfectly shaped and placed? And yet each one is unique. Magnificent, aren't they? Reminds me of the exhibit we talked about seeing at the Laguna Gloria art museum. Did you get to see it?"

"No." She felt small and plodding. Images and thoughts flew at her, scenes from her life, bits and pieces of the mundane mixed with terrible upheaval. Her thoughts were racing through all the things she'd meant to do but never had. The list of things left undone sailed past her like a flock of swallows. There were so many.

Grandpa gave her a reassuring smile. "You're a good girl, Nora. But you must believe in yourself." Love radiated from him, wrapping around her and holding her close, banishing her shame. She turned, trying to see the bright light, but she couldn't turn her head enough—something was blocking her.

"Just breathe," the man in the lab coat whispered.

Everything started to go all Alice in Wonderland. The bright light was fading away, sucking up all the warmth as it went. Grandpa's love was fading. Everything was turning cold.

"Nora? Listen to me now."

She felt heavier. Distressed. She looked down—her beautiful dress had turned to gray cotton. She was slowly slipping into a dark hole that felt like the death she would have expected. Was she going to really die now? "Grandpa?" She tried to reach for him, but her arms were useless. She was desperate to hang on to the one person she felt had truly loved her. To the only person in her life who seemed to understand who she was.

"It will be all right, kid. This is the season to grow your garden. Plant what you need to make a good salad. Throw some nuts in there! Have a little fun!"

Nora couldn't breathe. She didn't want to go back to whatever had been before. "I want to stay!"

"Not now, sweetie." Grandpa's voice was even farther away. "You left too many things undone."

She tried to ask what, but her throat felt clogged. Grandpa was moving down the path with surprising speed. He whistled, and Roxie trotted out from between two bushes to join him. Nora was still gripping the wagon. "Wait!" she screamed.

But it was too late—everything had faded, and she had the sensation of falling into a dark, inky nothing. Hell, probably—what else could it be?

She fell and she fell and she fell for what seemed a very long time.

And then she woke up.


"Nora! Can you hear me?"

The voice sounded like it was underwater. Nora tried to respond, but it felt as if someone had shoved a fiery poker down her gullet.

"Oh my God, oh my God! Nora! Can you hear me?"

She recognized her sister's voice and turned her head slightly. It took a great effort to open her eyes, and when she did, Lacey was looming over her. She was wearing a dark suit with a white shirt buttoned to the very top. Her shoulder-length blonde hair looked uncombed, and there were shadows under her eyes. Nora knew instinctively she was the cause, and sadness began to throb at her temples. She felt alone in her grief, even though it was evident there were others nearby.

"It's going to take a minute for the medicine to kick in. Her throat will be raw," said a male voice.

"Blink if you can hear me," Lacey loudly commanded.

Nora blinked. Everything about her hurt. She tried to lift her head to see where she was, but it was excruciatingly painful. Something was beeping nearby, each sound a stabbing pain in her brain. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Hey, kiddo."

She felt a big hand on her arm. Gus! Good ol' Cousin Gus. What was he doing here? Where was here?

"Are you okay?" All six foot three of him tried to smile, but it was a lopsided attempt, like he couldn't decide whether to commit to it fully. A thought whispered through Nora's head that it was hard for Gus to smile, and her sorrow ratcheted up.

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